Category dodge

Why not to buy from Southtown Dodge, AKA Southtown Dodge Sucks

Well lets begin the story with a little background.

Category cars

Isuzu Performance

Do you race Isuzu cars? Do you think Isuzu has Performance? Let us know below, TMB doesn’t think those two words go together, but we are totally open to learning...

Great Service from JPCustoms for car stereo needs!

TheMadBlogger loves his Zune. He loves it so much he wants to listen to it when he’s driving in his pimped out Chevrolet Tahoe.

Southtown Dodge

The Mad Blogger hopes you aren’t buying anything from Southtown Dodge!

Nemofang, we found you fhy729241025

It’s amazing what the internet will get you.

Don't hire Hsing-Yao Fang, Hsing-Yao Fang (nemofang, valorxnemo) sucks

This is a warning to any companies out there, or Ebay listers out there. Don’t do business with the ebay user ID NEMOFANG.

How The Mad Blogger got happy, Thanks to Dave Sinclair Lincoln Mercury...

So some of you have read how The Mad Blogger’s Friday started out. In summary, it started out horrible all due to Southtown Dodge. This story however, is about how...

Shop at Dave Sinclair Lincoln Mercury! The day was saved!

So The Mad Blogger (TMB) went out shopping for a car this evening, trying to repair the chaos that was earlier today.

Why not to buy from Southtown Dodge, AKA Southtown Dodge Sucks

Well lets begin the story with a little background.

Category taxes

Intuit's TurboTax has problems E-Filing on Tax day!!

( link removed)Excerpts of this were pulled from a TMB comment on this blog.

Big tip, big taxes!

Now hear this, The Mad Blogger is not suggesting anyone try to skip paying taxes to the IRS, but this girl should never have made a mention about this huge...

Category people

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Donald J Trump is Guilty of 34 Counts - Felon

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America has been convicted and is now a felon.

The Problem with the World Today is Talking Heads

TMB had a revalation today. After spending far too many hours responding to right wing nut jobs about CRT and the threat of CRT to Rockwood School District (hint, there...

Kanye West Killed Evil Knievel

Coincidence that Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel) just settled a lawsuit with Kanye West? And now he’s died? TMB thinks not! Did Kanye West kill Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel)?

Opera star Luciano Pavarotti dies

His manager, Terri Robson, told the AP in an e-mail statement that Pavarotti died at his home in Modena, Italy, at 5 a.m. local time.

On Ebay, don't sell to valorxnemo

Read more about this user called valorxnemo on one of The Mad Blogger’s previous blog posts!

Who is The Mad Blogger?

Is it a mystery?

blogs empower character assassins and mischief makers.

Who’s that sound like? The Mad Blogger? noooo! TMB isn’t a character assassin, The Mad Blogger is a truth spreader.

Yankees Suck and the players know it? Suicide attempt for Cory Lidle?

Update: This one didn’t age well. TMB is sorry for the loss of Cory Lidle

Are you a Lonelygirl? Follow the Order of the Denderah?

Back when The Mad Blogger started using YouTube he came across some videos from someone named Lonelygirl15. For some reason TMB had to start watching them, sort of like getting...

Nemofang, we found you fhy729241025

It’s amazing what the internet will get you.

Don't hire Hsing-Yao Fang, Hsing-Yao Fang (nemofang, valorxnemo) sucks

This is a warning to any companies out there, or Ebay listers out there. Don’t do business with the ebay user ID NEMOFANG.

Playskool Team Talkin Tool Bench

The Mad Blogger wonders what this world is really coming too. A company recalls all of a product line because two families were dumb enough to let their kids play...

Big tip, big taxes!

Now hear this, The Mad Blogger is not suggesting anyone try to skip paying taxes to the IRS, but this girl should never have made a mention about this huge...

Category software

Is Viewpoint Spyware? Viewpoint Sucks!

Damn skippy Viewpoint is Spyware. TMB doesn’t care if they don’t think it is (ask leo link removed). It gets installed, without your knowing, then tries to update itself via...

Category spyware

Is Viewpoint Spyware? Viewpoint Sucks!

Damn skippy Viewpoint is Spyware. TMB doesn’t care if they don’t think it is (ask leo link removed). It gets installed, without your knowing, then tries to update itself via...

Category ups

Nathan Magilow is an Idiot, and UPS Still f'ng Sucks

Nathan Magilow is an idiot, and his employer UPS still sucks the royal big one. The Mad Blogger sympathizes with Ole Chuck over there in the state of Washington.

Another Reason why UPS Sucks!

Door to door sales now? Really? Come on UPS, are you that desperate that you have to start going door to door to businesses to sell your product? TMB works...

Category toys

Playskool Team Talkin Tool Bench

The Mad Blogger wonders what this world is really coming too. A company recalls all of a product line because two families were dumb enough to let their kids play...

Category electronics

Sony Mylo - TMB wants one of these

The Mad Blogger stumbled across something interesting today. The Sony Mylo. Perhaps TMB needs to go pick one of these up and give it a shot. That is, unless there’s...

Category ebay

Nemofang, we found you fhy729241025

It’s amazing what the internet will get you.

Don't hire Hsing-Yao Fang, Hsing-Yao Fang (nemofang, valorxnemo) sucks

This is a warning to any companies out there, or Ebay listers out there. Don’t do business with the ebay user ID NEMOFANG.

Category news

blogs empower character assassins and mischief makers.

Who’s that sound like? The Mad Blogger? noooo! TMB isn’t a character assassin, The Mad Blogger is a truth spreader.

Paddington Bear, a Killer Fisherman

Category internet

Still: Charter Sucks, and they are only getting worse

The Mad Blogger just called Charter Cable yet again, and Charter Sucks! Here in St. Louis Charter hasn’t carried ABC in HD since before TMB started using Charter. Well two...

Are you a Lonelygirl? Follow the Order of the Denderah?

Back when The Mad Blogger started using YouTube he came across some videos from someone named Lonelygirl15. For some reason TMB had to start watching them, sort of like getting...

Category blogs

blogs empower character assassins and mischief makers.

Who’s that sound like? The Mad Blogger? noooo! TMB isn’t a character assassin, The Mad Blogger is a truth spreader.

Category microsoft

Microsoft Zune doesn't work with Windows Vista!

Hello, Microsoft? What were you thinking? You have a brand new Operating System, Windows Vista, which TMB loves btw, and a brand new Music Player, Zune, which TMB also loves,...

Windows Vista blog and coming soon!

The Mad Blogger is excited about Windows Vista! TMB has been running Vista on a machine for a few weeks now and is loving it! TMB Can’t wait for the...

Category winter

What The Mad Blogger hates about Winter

The Mad Blogger is actually a Winter fan, so why would TMB write an article about what he hates about winter? Well there’s one thing TMB can’t stand about winter....

Category zune

Great Service from JPCustoms for car stereo needs!

TheMadBlogger loves his Zune. He loves it so much he wants to listen to it when he’s driving in his pimped out Chevrolet Tahoe.

Do you Zune?

Do you Zune? The Mad Blogger does! And TMB is loving it! 30 gigs of wonderful music and videos. The Zune will be the entertainment choice for The Mad Blogger’s...

Microsoft Zune doesn't work with Windows Vista!

Hello, Microsoft? What were you thinking? You have a brand new Operating System, Windows Vista, which TMB loves btw, and a brand new Music Player, Zune, which TMB also loves,...

Category bad

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Roofing and Exterior Pros in Ellisville, Missouri

Check out the type of folks that work at Roofing and Exterior Pros

A word of warning for the Samsung LN40C630K1F

The Mad Blogger is back! For this post TMB is a little torn. TMB isn’t actually ranting, just giving people a word of warning, and some praise at the same...

Who is better, Directv or Dish?

So The Mad Blogger needs to know, who is better, DirecTV or Dish Network?

Intuit's TurboTax has problems E-Filing on Tax day!!

( link removed)Excerpts of this were pulled from a TMB comment on this blog.

The National Anthem before the Game? Not at Fenway

The Mad Blogger was at Fenway today for the Opening Home Game of the 2007 Boston Red Sox Season, but TMB noticed something wasn’t right. here's a tip

TMB hasn’t made a post in quite a while but here’s a post to make up for the delays…

Daytona 500 Commercials

Watching the Daytona 500 today, do they really have to show the Chevrolet Presidents Day sale commercial EVERY commercial break? The Mad Blogger liked the commercial the first time it...

Post 1 about the Superbowl Ads sucking in 2007

First off, TMB will be back later with a long blog post about how the super bowl ads sucked this year, but for now, who are these idiots? Todd Behrendt,...

On Ebay, don't sell to valorxnemo

Read more about this user called valorxnemo on one of The Mad Blogger’s previous blog posts!

St. Louis Charter Communication doesn't have CBS in High Def

Yet another reason that Charter Sucks. Here in St. Louis they no longer offer CBS in High Definition.

Charter Communications is staffed by Idiots

Wednesday The Mad Blogger got Charter setup at the new house, they transfered the 10 meg internet service, and HD cable over. Internet came up, cable came up. With multiple...

Don't use Verizon Wireless, they can't do math!

The Mad Blogger is really just speachless here. Take a listen to this over on youtube, it’s amazing!

Newmar Motorhomes having Paint Problems???

The Mad Blogger is looking into an issue with Newmar motor homes having clear coat paint issues with their paint on the top of the motorhomes.

Southtown Dodge

The Mad Blogger hopes you aren’t buying anything from Southtown Dodge!

Category dealer

Southtown Dodge

The Mad Blogger hopes you aren’t buying anything from Southtown Dodge!

Category deals

Want to get an Xbox 360 for $100?

If you do, head on over to! Wait, can’t find the link to buy them for $100? That’s because you have to vote on one of four deals that...

Category xbox

XBox 360 to get IPTV?

What’s this? The XBox 360 may be getting IPTV! CES Is coming up this week. It could be a very interesting year for 2007!

Want to get an Xbox 360 for $100?

If you do, head on over to! Wait, can’t find the link to buy them for $100? That’s because you have to vote on one of four deals that...

Category games

Want to get an Xbox 360 for $100?

If you do, head on over to! Wait, can’t find the link to buy them for $100? That’s because you have to vote on one of four deals that...

Category music

Great Service from JPCustoms for car stereo needs!

TheMadBlogger loves his Zune. He loves it so much he wants to listen to it when he’s driving in his pimped out Chevrolet Tahoe.

Do you Zune?

Do you Zune? The Mad Blogger does! And TMB is loving it! 30 gigs of wonderful music and videos. The Zune will be the entertainment choice for The Mad Blogger’s...

Category rv

Newmar Motorhomes having Paint Problems???

The Mad Blogger is looking into an issue with Newmar motor homes having clear coat paint issues with their paint on the top of the motorhomes.

Category motorhome

Newmar Motorhomes having Paint Problems???

The Mad Blogger is looking into an issue with Newmar motor homes having clear coat paint issues with their paint on the top of the motorhomes.

Category good Great Customer Service

For those of you who know The Mad Blogger you know that he has an Oakley problem. Well, there’s a website called SteepAndCheap that doesn’t help with the problem, they...

Great Service from JPCustoms for car stereo needs!

TheMadBlogger loves his Zune. He loves it so much he wants to listen to it when he’s driving in his pimped out Chevrolet Tahoe.

The Paradisus at Playa Conchal

The Mad Blogger just returned from a nice honeymoon at the Paradisus in Playa Conchal in Costa Rice, a full review is forthcoming, but for now, TMB highly recommends the...

Category travel

The Paradisus at Playa Conchal

The Mad Blogger just returned from a nice honeymoon at the Paradisus in Playa Conchal in Costa Rice, a full review is forthcoming, but for now, TMB highly recommends the...

Category wireless

Where do you get your Ring Tones?

Just a curiosity question.

Don't use Verizon Wireless, they can't do math!

The Mad Blogger is really just speachless here. Take a listen to this over on youtube, it’s amazing!

Category cable

Who is better, Directv or Dish?

So The Mad Blogger needs to know, who is better, DirecTV or Dish Network?

St. Louis Charter Communication doesn't have CBS in High Def

Yet another reason that Charter Sucks. Here in St. Louis they no longer offer CBS in High Definition.

Charter Communications is staffed by Idiots

Wednesday The Mad Blogger got Charter setup at the new house, they transfered the 10 meg internet service, and HD cable over. Internet came up, cable came up. With multiple...

Category press

Adult Swim, could you market any better?

All this ranting about adult swim in the news industry, TMB actually thinks it was a great marketing idea. Even if turning broadcasting has to pay fines in Boston for...

Category tv

A word of warning for the Samsung LN40C630K1F

The Mad Blogger is back! For this post TMB is a little torn. TMB isn’t actually ranting, just giving people a word of warning, and some praise at the same...

Who is better, Directv or Dish?

So The Mad Blogger needs to know, who is better, DirecTV or Dish Network?

Daytona 500 Commercials

Watching the Daytona 500 today, do they really have to show the Chevrolet Presidents Day sale commercial EVERY commercial break? The Mad Blogger liked the commercial the first time it...

Post 1 about the Superbowl Ads sucking in 2007

First off, TMB will be back later with a long blog post about how the super bowl ads sucked this year, but for now, who are these idiots? Todd Behrendt,...

Category bad people

Cho Sueng-Hui Plays Cho Seung-Hui

Here is a blog post from a classmate of Cho Seung-Hui, and links to two plays he wrote last fall in a class at VT.

Category charter

Still: Charter Sucks, and they are only getting worse

The Mad Blogger just called Charter Cable yet again, and Charter Sucks! Here in St. Louis Charter hasn’t carried ABC in HD since before TMB started using Charter. Well two...

Category spectrum

Still: Charter Sucks, and they are only getting worse

The Mad Blogger just called Charter Cable yet again, and Charter Sucks! Here in St. Louis Charter hasn’t carried ABC in HD since before TMB started using Charter. Well two...

Category kanye

Kanye West Killed Evil Knievel

Coincidence that Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel) just settled a lawsuit with Kanye West? And now he’s died? TMB thinks not! Did Kanye West kill Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel)?

Category missouri

Pro-Tec Pest Management

The drivers at Pro-Tec Pest Management drive like assholes.

Movie Theater in Wildwood, Missouri

Update After 1 month, we finally got B&B Theaters to process a proper refund. Unsure if we will ever go back.

Category movie theater

Movie Theater in Wildwood, Missouri

Update After 1 month, we finally got B&B Theaters to process a proper refund. Unsure if we will ever go back.

Category food

The Good Cook Classic Meat Thermometer NSF Approved SUCKS

Alright, here is one to get TMB all worked up. The Mad Blogger should have learned his lesson a few months back when trying to cook a tri-tip on the...

Movie Theater in Wildwood, Missouri

Update After 1 month, we finally got B&B Theaters to process a proper refund. Unsure if we will ever go back.

Category california

Pacific Airport Shuttles 921 and 978

If you are in the Bay Area and are looking for a ride to the Airport, be sure to NOT use Pacific Airport Shuttles.

Category drivers

Roofing and Exterior Pros in Ellisville, Missouri

Check out the type of folks that work at Roofing and Exterior Pros

Pro-Tec Pest Management

The drivers at Pro-Tec Pest Management drive like assholes.

Pacific Airport Shuttles 921 and 978

If you are in the Bay Area and are looking for a ride to the Airport, be sure to NOT use Pacific Airport Shuttles.

Category pest control

Pro-Tec Pest Management

The drivers at Pro-Tec Pest Management drive like assholes.

Category roofing

Roofing and Exterior Pros in Ellisville, Missouri

Check out the type of folks that work at Roofing and Exterior Pros

Category stl

Roofing and Exterior Pros in Ellisville, Missouri

Check out the type of folks that work at Roofing and Exterior Pros

Category trump

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Donald J Trump is Guilty of 34 Counts - Felon

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America has been convicted and is now a felon.

Category guilty

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Donald J Trump is Guilty of 34 Counts - Felon

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America has been convicted and is now a felon.

Category stickermule

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Category politics

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...