Is Viewpoint Spyware? Viewpoint Sucks!

Damn skippy Viewpoint is Spyware. TMB doesn’t care if they don’t think it is (ask leo link removed). It gets installed, without your knowing, then tries to update itself via the internet.

In the eyes of The Mad Blogger, VIEWPOINT IS SPYWARE.

Anyone who downloads and installs AOL Instant Messenger, AIM, will get Viewpoint. You don’t have the option of not installing it. So, if you install AIM, be sure to go to control panel/add remove programs, and remove all instances of Viewpoint from your computer.

Plain and simple, Viewpoint is spyware.

TMB recommends using Windows Live Onecare (Windows Defender) for all yoru Virus, spyware and firewall needs. It’s only $50 to cover 3 computers with the software, TMB uses it and it works great!

The Mad Blogger ALSO suggests using Windows Live Messenger for all your Instant Messaging needs.


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