Archive of posts with category 'people'

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using...

Donald J Trump is Guilty of 34 Counts - Felon

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America has been convicted and is now a felon.

The Problem with the World Today is Talking Heads

TMB had a revalation today. After spending far too many hours responding to right wing nut jobs about CRT and the threat of CRT to Rockwood School District (hint, there...

Kanye West Killed Evil Knievel

Coincidence that Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel) just settled a lawsuit with Kanye West? And now he’s died? TMB thinks not! Did Kanye West kill Evil Knievel (Evil Kenievel)?

Opera star Luciano Pavarotti dies

His manager, Terri Robson, told the AP in an e-mail statement that Pavarotti died at his home in Modena, Italy, at 5 a.m. local time.

On Ebay, don't sell to valorxnemo

Read more about this user called valorxnemo on one of The Mad Blogger’s previous blog posts!

Who is The Mad Blogger?

Is it a mystery?

blogs empower character assassins and mischief makers.

Who’s that sound like? The Mad Blogger? noooo! TMB isn’t a character assassin, The Mad Blogger is a truth spreader.

Yankees Suck and the players know it? Suicide attempt for Cory Lidle?

Update: This one didn’t age well. TMB is sorry for the loss of Cory Lidle

Are you a Lonelygirl? Follow the Order of the Denderah?

Back when The Mad Blogger started using YouTube he came across some videos from someone named Lonelygirl15. For some reason TMB had to start watching them, sort of like getting...

Nemofang, we found you fhy729241025

It’s amazing what the internet will get you.

Don't hire Hsing-Yao Fang, Hsing-Yao Fang (nemofang, valorxnemo) sucks

This is a warning to any companies out there, or Ebay listers out there. Don’t do business with the ebay user ID NEMOFANG.

Playskool Team Talkin Tool Bench

The Mad Blogger wonders what this world is really coming too. A company recalls all of a product line because two families were dumb enough to let their kids play...

Big tip, big taxes!

Now hear this, The Mad Blogger is not suggesting anyone try to skip paying taxes to the IRS, but this girl should never have made a mention about this huge...