Intuit's TurboTax has problems E-Filing on Tax day!!

( link removed)Excerpts of this were pulled from a TMB comment on this blog.

The Mad Blogger, being the slacker that he is, tried to file his tax return at the very last minute this evening, only to be greated by an unfriendly message from TurboTax

“The Intuit Electronic Filing Center is experiencing unusually heavy demand and is unable to accept returns at this time. It’s not necessary to contact Customer Service or Technical Support. Instead, please try to file your return again later. The best time to file electronically is usually between 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Pacific time. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

Not necessary to contact customer service? What kind of a message is that, TMB MUST call now.

Well it looks like TMB got a bit lucky and his Tax Returns were finally filed (so far in pending status).

Now we’ll wait and see what shows up. Hopefully tomorrow TMB will be able to see them submitted. Suprisingly TMB did get through to customer service this evening with an 888 number. The Mad Blogger was on hold for less than 2 minutes, boy TMB sure wishes Charter Communications Customer Service was that prompt.

When the guy picked up my return actually went through, so TMB asked him what the deal was. He went into a lecture on how the IRS was having server problems this morning, and that backed intuit up, this afternoon it got better, and then this evening it got worse again. After the IRS had problems, then every tax service, Jackson Hewitt (he mentioned them directly) and anyone else doing e-filing, so that’ll slow things down. After that he brought up that the IRS usually has a major computer problem once a year, but it’s usually in January or February, not tax day’

5 minutes later The Mad Blogger finally got him to stop talking and told him that TMB’s return went through.

Based on Intuit’s customer service response on the phone tonight (at midnight CST) TMB will be using Turbo Tax again next year, TMB just won’t wait till the last minute to submit!


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