Still: Charter Sucks, and they are only getting worse

The Mad Blogger just called Charter Cable yet again, and Charter Sucks! Here in St. Louis Charter hasn’t carried ABC in HD since before TMB started using Charter. Well two weeks ago they started carrying ABC in HD. Yet, TMB hasn’t recieved it at all, and actually hasn’t received TNTHD which Charter has been airing for 4 months.

TMB called charter today to figure out why both of these channels don’t work and the stupid f’n Charter Customer Service rep said “we’re having problem with the HD providers” and can’t do anything about it. When The Mad Blogger asked if he could get a credit for the service not working, she asked “on one channel?”. That’s when TMB lost it. The Mad Blogger has never used foul language towards a customer service rep before, but today TMB went nuts and told her that their “Service f’n sucks” and then promptly hung up.

The Mad Blogger will be getting Directv scheduled to come out and install over the next week or two. Charter Sucks, Charter customer service sucks, TMB highly recommends NOT using Charter for cable TV service.


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