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On Ebay, don't sell to valorxnemo

Read more about this user called valorxnemo on one of The Mad Blogger’s previous blog posts!

Adult Swim, could you market any better?

All this ranting about adult swim in the news industry, TMB actually thinks it was a great marketing idea. Even if turning broadcasting has to pay fines in Boston for...

St. Louis Charter Communication doesn't have CBS in High Def

Yet another reason that Charter Sucks. Here in St. Louis they no longer offer CBS in High Definition.

Charter Communications is staffed by Idiots

Wednesday The Mad Blogger got Charter setup at the new house, they transfered the 10 meg internet service, and HD cable over. Internet came up, cable came up. With multiple...

XBox 360 to get IPTV?

What’s this? The XBox 360 may be getting IPTV! CES Is coming up this week. It could be a very interesting year for 2007!